Sign Up for a Restoration Circle

Circles Are On Hiatus

Circle Subscription Form

To create an easier way to sign up, the Restoration Circles are moving to a subscription format.

They are still free!

Instead of signing up weekly, you can subscribe to the email list below where you’ll receive a weekly reminder about circles and the meeting information to join on Sundays.

Click the link below to be added to the mailing list!

Restoration Subscription Form

Restoration Circle Sunday Evenings at 5pm (EST)

This circle is open to everyone and inclusive of all identities.

Restoration Circle FAQs

Restoration circles are inclusive of all people. It is expected for all identities to be honored in this space, and demeaning speech that brings harm to someone based on their race, ethnicity, faith, sexual orientation, gender identity, and abilities will not be tolerated. If this request is not honored, you will be removed.

Restoration Circles will be held via Zoom. Meeting information will be sent once registered. If you have any questions please contact

Thank you!


What Happens During a Restoration Circle?

Restoration Circles create the space for self-reflection and communal testimony that allow us to be present for ourselves and each other. Each circle opens with a song, and then the facilitator asks questions to each participant allowing them to sit with themselves and also be encouraged by other participants. It is not a therapy session, and more so creates a space for communal wisdom and reflection to be shared.

Are Restoration Circles Christian Focused?

Restoration Circles are inclusive of all faiths and those who do not identify with a faith tradition. The questions are never religion based, however participants are allowed to speak from their faith perspective if desired.

Are Restoration Circles Free?

YES! Restoration Circles are free! This is an offering to help not only create community, but teach us all how we can live into inclusive, beloved community.

Love & gratitude gifts are accepted. If you’d like to give a love/gratitude gift, click HERE.

Can Circles be Facilitated for Groups?

Yes! If you are interested in hosting a restoration circle for your faith community, organization, friends group, etc. please contact me at

I will gladly facilitate a Restoration Circle for your space!